Car insurance is the most widely purchased type of insurance coverage around. Nearly everywhere you go in the world drivers are required to have car insurance and it is applicable to all types of automobiles and their drivers. It covers physical damage caused to your vehicle and any other vehicles you might come in contact with.
Auto insurance also offers liability protection. Meaning if you have an accident and another person is injured, your car insurance policy will cover a portion of their medical expenses. Liability car insurance can also offer you added protection against property damage.
Did you know the concept of car insurance can be traced back to the ancient Chinese? It was actually a spin-off of marine insurance used to insure cargo freight. Auto insurance was developed after policymakers decided that operating a motor vehicle on public property was a privilege and not a right. It was ordered that motorists must purchase car insurance to protect innocent third parties against injury or property damage.
Today, while auto insurance regulations vary from state to state, all require a minimum of liability coverage to protect innocent victims from harm. Additionally, if you do not carry the appropriate car insurance coverage and are involved in an accident that causes bodily harm to another person, you could lose everything you own, including your home.
Remember car insurance is not a luxury, it is a necessity. It can save you thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars, should you ever be involved in a car accident. Don’t drive without it.
It’s true that premiums are based on many factors including your age, sex, driving record, credit history, and the type of vehicle you drive. At Steve Reich Insurance we will work with you to ensure you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
Contact us now to get a quote.